Name | 柴富 一孝(Kazutaka Shibatomi) |
Address | Electronics-Inspired Interdisciplinary Research Institute (EIIRIS), Toyohashi University of Technology, Toyohashi 441-8580, Japan |
E-Mails | shiba * Please add "" to complete the address. |
Key Words | Organic Synthesis, Asymmetric Catalysis, Organocatalyst, Lewis Acid, Fluorine Chemistry, Halogenated Compounds, Bioactive Molecules |
SHIBATOMI‘s Research Group-2024
Doctor Program
D2【10月入学】 | Aballo Parfaite Trinite |
Master Program
M2 | 嶋田 唯楓 (Ibuki Shimada) |
M2 | 寺岡 爽斗 (Akito Teraoka) |
M2 | 中原 駿介 (Shunsuke Nakahara) |
M1 | 盛田 佳那 (Kana Morita) |
Bachelor Program
B4 | 岩瀬 千晃 (Chiaki Iwase) |
B4 | 高宗 奎介 (Keisuke Takamune) |
B4 | 堀木 彩花 (Ayaka Horiki) |
B4 | 山谷 聡 (Satoru Yamaya) |
B3 | 小渕 遊真 (Asuma Kobuti) |
B3 | 三枝 怜平 (Ryouhei Saigusa) |
B3 | 皿山 航多 (Kouta Sarayama) |